SpiralClick puts your company on the Social Platform world map

Facebook has over 2 billion active users (since September 2012), actively engaged in daily communication with their preferred brands. Managing a Facebook fan page for your brand or product is mandatory on the market right now. SpiralClick is experienced in creating relevant, targeted social platform campaigns for our clients with high conversion rates. In order to help our clients stand apart and above their competitors, we provide digital marketing services that support the core of your online presence—your website. We always work together with our clients in developing a long-term online strategy and marketing plan.

Understand Needs

The first step our team undertakes is to understand your company’s specific goals and mission. We strive to increase your business’s online presence and social interaction with your customers to create brand awareness, visibility, and trust. We’ll draft a marketing strategy with achievable milestones. The suite of customized solutions SpiralClick can provide includes; Tailored Picture Galleries, Polls, Facebook Storefront Buttons, Subscription Services, and Newsletter Management.

Research Audience

Social media research-generated insights are a powerful tool that can build the location, age, and interest profile of your ideal customer. A core goal of the SpiralClick Research Team is to identify and locate your core audience. After identifying your demographic, we move on to finding the best channel for creating communication with them, be it on Twitter, Facebook, or other social platforms.

Evaluate Market

In order to successfully take on the Social Media market, your company needs a strong marketing strategy and a clearly defined identity. Using strong visual and communication tools, SpiralClick can help you do just that.  Based on the results of this evaluation, we will produce a comprehensive marketing strategy that includes how you shape up against your competitors.

Generate Communication

SpiralClick’s team of Communication Specialists will carry out your strategized social communication plan with the aim of generating positive interaction with your customers on your behalf. Through strong communication and engagement, your brand will grow in visibility, creating a loyal following through word-of-mouth and social media.